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Message From the Chairman

Thank you for visiting our new website today. We hope you return soon and often and we have taken great steps to make you want to do just that. Let me explain.

After our 10th Anniversary and my Dad’s Centennial last year, we had the opportunity to assess what a stellar year it was indeed. With record food drives, the opening of our dedicated central food pantry in Brookland, the grant for much longed-for van, the near doubling of the families we serve, the opening of our own crop box on a high school campus, and so many other outstanding achievements, our Board seemed to ask “How can you top that?”

The short answer, of course, is keep doing what we are doing with the same attitude of excellence — to be able to continue to provide a complete, nutritious, balanced grocery offering to the families we serve and renew our commitment to do so respectfully, lovingly, and without judgment. 

However, the most important quality of a good leader is to be a good listener, and I had been told that while our activity and interaction in social media was spectacular, the visits to our website were all too infrequent. So, I spent a great deal of time with my friend and our longtime talented webmaster, Rick Wharton, and we designed a website with the goal of increasing visits by making it more newsworthy and easier (quicker) to navigate. In other words, combining the best of our social media efforts with the more mainstream, and less controversial, website.

I was told that would be a lot more work — for me — but we remain dedicated to ensuring that all of our donors and supporters are kept abreast of the flurry of activity that is our Foundation. This is a full time effort, now that we are providing for more than 1,000 families each month at nine locations in the District. We felt the desire, if not the obligation, to take you along for the journey.

We also wanted to make the site easier for the plethora of calls we receive at our office from new client families. Our new site has all of our locations and hours of operation merely one click away!

And, the focal point of the site is something very special. Each week, we will present a very short video of all the happenings at your Foundation, an SNL Weekend Update of sorts, without the jokes. What I love best about this idea is that I was told it couldn’t be done, we’d never keep up, it wouldn’t work. Some said that about our Foundation 11 years ago. So, again, I say, “Watch me.”

And I hope you will watch. As always, your comments are welcome and your support of our Foundation so very much appreciated. God loves you and so do I.